Lille Rosendal &
Riccalton DK
medlem af Avlsforeningen for Shetlandsponyer i DK
Fynboskuet 2023
Riccalton DK's Lady Josephine
Nr. 3 of 8
8-8-8-8-8= 40
Reserve Best in Show
Good type
Good hair and awake eye
Good topline and well shaped quarter
Adequate limbs with good joint markings
Slightly narrow hoof
Good all balanced walk with good length of stride
Good and energetic trot with good length of stride
Riccalton DK's Lady Jeanette
Nr 4 of 8
Mare of good type
Good hair with friendly eye
Well set and good length of neck
Adequate depth and width of body
Adequate bones with good hooves
Good and active walk
but walks a little on outside of hoof
Good and earth covering trot
Huge thank you to Laura and Signe Dahl Kjærgaard for training and showing the girls today.
Also thanks to Avlsforengingen for Shetlands ponyer,
Stutteri Dalen, Danish Agro, Land and Fritid and Krafft for the beautiful rosettes and prizes Jeanie and Josie won.